Acoustic stretch ceilings

Acoustic stretch ceilings .

Iceil Acoustic Stretch Ceiling combines sound-absorbing materials with a stretchable perforated fabric, effectively reducing noise levels while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing appearance. These ceilings are ideal for spaces where noise control is essential, such as auditoriums, offices, classrooms, or recording studios. By absorbing sound waves and minimizing reverberation, acoustic stretch ceilings improve acoustics, enhance speech intelligibility, and create a more comfortable environment for occupants.

Sound Absorption
Sound Absorption

Sound Absorption

Acoustic stretch ceilings are engineered to absorb sound and reduce reverberation in a room. This is particularly beneficial in spaces where controlling noise levels is important, such as offices, conference rooms, auditoriums, and theaters.



The materials used in acoustic stretch ceilings are selected for their acoustic properties. These materials often include sound absorbing fabrics or perforated membranes that contribute to sound absorption.

Design Options

Design Options

Similar to regular stretch ceilings, acoustic stretch ceilings offer a wide range of design options. They can be customized in terms of print, colors, patterns, and textures, ensuring that the aesthetic requirements of a space are met.

Improved Speech Intelligibility

Improved Speech Intelligibility

By reducing sound re- flections and reverberation, acoustic stretch ceilings contribute to better speech intelligibility in spaces where clear communication is essential.